Welcome to Lashings
Lashings, the "World’s greatest cricket club", brings the two ends of the cricket spectrum together, the grassroots of village, club and schools and the legendary players of our World XI. It’s about experiencing the excitement that this wonderful game can deliver. Lashings is cricket for the 21st century.
How to find what you are looking for...
Want to know more about booking a fixture against Lashings World XI? We have all the information you need about booking a fixture with us on a handy information sheet, which you can download directly from this site. Simply click on the green box ’Play the World XI’ on the right hand side of this page. Next look out for the ’click here’ wording in yellow towards the bottom of the page to access the information sheet.
Want to come to a game? Click on the ’Fixtures and Results’ box below, which will take you through to the list of all our fixtures. For full details on each and every game, click on the name of the club Lashings are playing against, which will be underlined in yellow letters. Here you’ll find the ground address, gate opening times and ticket information. If a map is available, then the word ’away’ will be in yellow in the adjacent box.